>> guest: there were some great comments out of the hearing yesterday and they think viola cosby hearing was a good one. the questions that came up to me and not having been really on the frontline frontline of the negotiations before, but some of the questions people are asking now are nuisance that bill. geo- locating, geo- tracking for example. yesterday we had testimony, justin bruckman brought up the fact of geo- tracking of white and the good and why people might want to do that. again, but goes back to the question of how carefully kenya craft legislation and how can you not basically have too broad a brush stroke that creates a bunch of unintended consequences but a lot of great suggestions and a lot of things that make you have to's and think and consider that really the consequences of all of this legislation will. >> guest: do you think you should move on on its own or should it be part of a broader privacy legislation providing baseline protections? i know there has been a bill introduced and there has been talk of baseline privacy on the house. >> guest: i would like to see