>> reporter: for los angeles shopkeeper virgie lyons, her phone is a blessing and a curse: a blessing it's provided the only contact with her family in tacloban-- a brief call from her brother saturday before his battery died. a curse because she hasn't heard from him or anyone else since. what did he say? >> he said "we're okay, don't worry." he's like screaming. "tell them we're okay. after that we got cut off." >> reporter: her sister in manila heard two young nieces survived the typhoon but died yesterday, whether from dehydration, hunger or injuries, they don't know. what is it like for you, this not knowing? >> it really, really hurts. i want to know now if they're okay. there's nothing i can do, just pray. >> reporter: california's filipino community is praying and mounting a relief effort. nurses are sending medical supplies, neighbors are chipping in, too. the bay area organization stop hunger now is shipping 285,000 meals. in l.a., a red cross telethon raised more than 100,000 for relief aid. virgie lyons was comforted by one thing her brother said in his brief call: he and