gina lincccum - virgiiia mother of 3 - has a goal this year "we're really tackll the student loans, tryingo get rid of the car payment by the end of 2012." that means looking for anywhere where she can cut."oh yeah we ccn buy this now. "her secret that you can save a ton of money at the groceryystore by ccuponing, and-- "get items for free through some of tte store prommtions and that brings the cost down. and once i add in coupons i cut out, i can get ittddwn to 0 percent."that's right. 40-60 percent off her shares her knowledge in a that brinns her additional ))- income."for successful couponing, you really want to match the coupon to a sale if it's in the sales ad at the &pstore. ou'll save more mone that way. if you just cut something out and use ittthat way, you may save a dollar, but you could save a lot more than that f you go to a store that might double that coupon or if you can apply it to a gg shopping!"she never buys chicken breast at the usual &pthese sales come up about onn a month because i look at run out of chicken aad then (reporter: "one and the cans, all for ffee.") ""o