would move to our right, we will have a representative officially open the gates to toronto for virgin america. supervisor maxwell: welcome to land use. i am chair supervisor maxwell, and i am joined by a member, supervisor chiu. i want to thank the folks from channel 26 for bringing us live. madam clerk, you have some announcements. >> please make sure to turn of cellular phones and pagers. completed speaker carts and copies of documents to become pleaded as part of the file -- completed as part of the file should be submitted. supervisor maxwell: thank you. will you read items one, two, and three together please? >> item 1, ordinance accepting irrevocable offers up public infrastructure improvements associated with mission bay north lot n1. item two, ordinance dedicating a portion of state trust parcel 54 open space public use, naming the new park, and spark. item three, ordinance dedicating a portion of the trust partial 5 mission bay south part for open space public use and naming the new park bayfront park. supervisor maxwell: thank you. staff? >> good morning. and with the department of