virginie is a liberal bohemian actress portrayed by camille cottin.ens to have a cute little daughter who bonds with bill. and so an odd couple friendship plays out alongside the drama of a father trying to clear the name of his incarcerated daughter. both are involving but they're an odd juxtaposition. on the one hand, there is an arthouse character piece about a culture clash relationship. on the other, a crime drama. when this plunges headlong into thriller territory it's a bit of a jolt. but damon and cottin are great together and this has something to say about personal politics, the media and prejudice. while it's not mccarthy's best work, stillwater is eminently watchable. what did you do? you just have to trust me. you have the perfect life. the rich, handsome - husband who adores you... deaero'hare, there's neverenough time. - never enough of you. know that you hold my hopes, my heart in your hands. it's rory from archive. i think i've found something you want to take a look at. is that gum? we don't allow gum in the reading rooms. i swallowe