. >> impressive. >> so, this is virttex over here. virttex stands for virtual test track experiment, and inside that dome, there's a vehicle, and we're gonna get you in there. you're gonna drive that vehicle. you're gonna drive through a virtual world. and this dome is gonna move to give you the sensation that you're actually driving. >> wow. >> okay? >> that's incredible. >> we do things like measuring driver distraction, a lot of safety-related studies. we're gonna do studies in here that we would never want to do out on the open road, much less the test track, okay? >> before we got started, i was asked to watch a short safety video. >> welcome to virttex, ford motor company's virtual test track experiment. thank you for your participation in this important research. virttex is really a laboratory, and it's actually safer than driving your own car. >> all right. now that we've seen the safety video, we're actually gonna go for a drive in virttex. so, why don't you go in front of me here? >> okay. >> we'll walk you in. we'll go arou