into the atmosphere, you cause cells director, making the sludge easily digestible and much less viscous, reducing the volume requirements. we can have fewer and smaller digests. this technology has been in the industry for about 15 years. the enterprise that extensive pilot tests from 2001 through 2003. over the last decade this process has continued to improve. now it has over 20 worldwide with a big presence in the uk. the united states, washington, d.c. will be the first to build this fence and are designed to have the contracts out next week. that is something that is several times bigger. a novel drying technology, nothing new -- it has been practiced for over 100 years, but the purpose is to reduce the volume of bio-solids so that it changes the consistency to make it more suitable for the production of commercial fertilizer or use it as fuel. in recent years there have been more developments in terms of looking at alternatives to high temperature and low temperature drying out and solar energy. this is an example in the bay area. the city has been operating this for about five ye