with the stock in the 16 vish range. they come in, they're buying out in february. so february 16 calls somebody wants to simulate owning stock, basically that is the the money calm, mem, all the way out to february. like the trade, i'm in it. i'll probably be in it two-to-three months. second trade, real kicks fox. 34 strike, a september trade, 33.30. they buy the 34 strike calls they bought about 5,000 quickly. i bought these i will probably be in these 2-to-three weeks not months take a look at what went on in key sight keys we talked about it when it was an $88 stock two days ago. we said look at this upside activity they were buying the 90s, 9250s and so forth now with the stock at $100 bucks. all of those calls deep in the money. we're not talking about the 11 or 12% gain on the stock, mel, we're talking 2 to 500 percent returns on those options that's just trade. another quebec one, nvidia, nvda, talked about very short term trade they bought the weekly 170 skauls now with the stock today 171.65. those calls went from 70 vents cents last friday to $3.90 today