gill terrain near the vishnevetsky look under their feet more often, for which purpose, studying the interesting area around my village, the old lyny. hey, this is exactly where i came in. this place is located not far from the village, it kokoritsya on the shore of the sporovsky lake, where i flow into the sporovsky lake. and by chance on a molehill, well, what is a molehill a molehill? this is when the mole lifts up the earth, i saw fragments of ceramics, i saw silicon flakes, and i photographed them and sent them to the academy of sciences. uh, these materials have reached microvoltsevich. this is, uh, a well-known specialist in the academy of sciences specifically on the bronze age. he came here. e to this place. i brought him to this island e he made a pit, e we laid the pit according to all the laws of archeology and uh, were slightly hit from one pit meter by meter. e, it turned out a whole package of artifacts of materials, in which he then studied for about six months. after that, he organized. uh, a real ex