. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com p >>> welcome t>>> we> tr the gp the gps rothe health care. " i'm fareed zakaria. america's system of bringing us into this world, helping us stay alive, and supporting us as we die is at a major across roadside. president obama signed the most comprehensive overall of health care since medicare. this week, the highest court in the land will hear arguments for and against obama's law and could soon strike it down. meanwhile, our out of control health care costs continue to climb. no other nation spends more than 12% of its economy on health care. america spends 17%. what's more, we don't really benefit from the huge price tag. our healthy life expectancy, the standard measurement, ranks only 29th in the world, behind slovenia. our infant mortality rate ranks 30th. it's more than twice that of sweden and japan. so what is our problem? in this hour, and in a "time" magazine essay, we're going to take you around the world to study health care systems in other countries. to find out what lessons we can learn from others. we'll visit great britain, t