his name is vitaly klitchko. if you're a boxing fan, you know who vitaly klitchko, because he's a huge guy who was the world heavyweight boxing champion for years. and he has now thrown himself into the struggle of ukraine for freedom. first of all, freedom from russian influence and control. and more recently, freedom from the oligarchs who basically robbed the country blind but were finally run out after that long bloody struggle at the can i he have, the maidan. he has an interesting phrase that he uses. because when he started this fight, it wasn't the least bit clear that anybody could win this thing. i mean, the oligarchs are billionaires. they've got immense resources at their disposal, and they keep stealing so there's always more. and the russians are right there with their bailful of influence trying to make sure there's as little freedom and opportunity as possible examine to keep ukraine under their thrall. those are some powerful forces. and so people would ask him, can you win? and he had a very sim