vitayu ulyana , indeed, the flow is extremely large in 6 months invasion, the city has already received more than 200,000 displaced people to understand the burden on zaporizhzhia, he noted that at the beginning of this year , 700,000 people lived in the city, and here is a very interesting structure for the construction of humanitarian centers. now i will tell you a little about it . of the primary humanitarian centers, evacuated people from the occupied territories and the gray zone are brought here, here the displaced people can receive medical assistance, get information about where they can settle in the city, as well as food and any means of food and items and clothes, and after that if the displaced people want to stay in zaporizhzhia, so-called regional hubs have been created in the city, that is, for each district of the zaporizhzhia region of the occupied district, this is the berdyanskyi melitopolskyi pologivskyi and vasylkivskyi districts, separate humanitarian centers have been created here, where the displaced persons from these areas they can apply and there are already p