director of vitebsk nikolaikhovsky is one of these lucky ones.ship on the one hand, a little hungry for such big football, but on the other hand there are some certain expectations. us we managed to preserve our youth, who over the past year have matured and become stronger. the fallen heroes of the great patriotic war were remembered with a minute of silence, and then they began to determine the calendar through a draw, in which miss audience choice of belarus and the head coach of the national team took part. yuri puntu was sitting in the company of another representative of the executive committee of the bf, alexander gleb. the coach-player combination, which long-time fans remember, during the draw naftan, a very recent club, was the first to draw biographies of puntus. let's start with football. this is what the results of the draw look like. for example, in the first round, arsenal, which returned to the elite, will play torpedo belas dzhodinsky. there was a lot of talk about the fact that the gunners would officially cooperate with the mos