this period is even called the vitebsk renaissance; to this day the city retains traces of this iconicas vitebsk that gave us the world championship. famous artists, designers and vitebsk residents are very proud of this fact. chagall, lissitzky, pen, malevich, these famous teachers brought up many talents at the vitebsk people's art school. now this building is a museum, so i suggest you stop by to get to know this era better. the museum opened in 2018. a branch of the center for contemporary art, it is equipped with the latest technology; original photo projects are shown to guests on multiboard panel screens built into the furniture. there are extensive archives of documents and photographs, museum guests have the opportunity to see everything, even not very well-known details from the life of artists. photo of the vitebsk period of kazimir malevich, kazimir severinovich malevich with his daughter. una, who was born here in vitebsk. the girl was named una in honor of unas, the creative association of navis, the promoters of new art. map of the city in 1922, rhymed with modernity. we