they called me viteto corleone. not to be mean, not to say on the big dog on the stage. i did it because government should not grow faster than people's ability to pay for it. in florida, that was the result. [applause] look, there is a big difference in the philosophy of the left and ours. i believe everybody has a chance to make a contribution in our society. i believe life is a gift from god, that it is divinely inspired. i believe if we created a society where everybody's abilities can be reached to their full limits, their god-given abilities, then nothing will stop the united states. the left believes the opposite. they believe life is not fair. that because life is not there, i will take care of you with another spending program, another tax, another regulation. dividing our country up by halves and have-nots. for us to win, we have to have an exact opposite view. last year, i met a floridian. she was -- she came to campaign a couple of months ago here in a town hall meeting. when she was young, she was held back two years in a row in third grade. i can imagine th