services and special services in general, this one of the technologies of warfare, you and i saw how vitrenkovred in ukraine, this is their power block, we saw the russians. block, russian brotherhood, all these organizations, non-religious structures, disguised russian youths, and with of a portable, let's say, physique, we saw it in germany, in the balkan countries, both left and right forces, in particular, both anarchists and fascist political movements, marginal, supported by russia, used for their own purposes. it is clear that this guy and others could become and can become similar, and... i am convinced that they become victims of the influence of the russian special services of ideological processing and ultimately provoking them to take radical steps. the russians worked with such specific, let's say, nazi milieu as the zovu-haters, and we remember all these videos from killing animals, etc., and whole groups that gathered around it, and how the russian ears came out after it, worked in a specific environment. ala anti-vaccinators, anti-mobilizers, and created their leaders of public