humming her hits, such as convertible, to the whale, gentle, i am disappearing, and many others, vityab invincible, love uspinskaya, life has broken me more than once. and said goodbye to me as if forever, betrayed us, cursing our eyes, with nickels, closing my eyelids, fought as if in a bloody battle, for the desire to live to the fullest, for my love and soul, and my path was, believe me, not easy, but my strength. with me, i will tell myself, there will be a battle, they give their hearts to all of you, i will not finish with tears, my strength is with me, and let this battle last, i will go through life with it, i will take trouble away from myself, i will revive it... but in this way it’s more surprising that from the ashes of a teacher, without hope and faith, i almost wanted to fly, not crawl, i accepted all destinies, insidious challenges without unnecessary grumbling, we were responsive to our prayers, the saving voice of the almighty, but... my strength is with me, i'll tell myself, get up and give your hearts to all of you, don't i will finish with tears, stay with me, and le