viva la revolucion? not quite. as cuba tries to modernize, women are still fighting for gender equality. and all that glitters is not gold. sometimes, it's mica. in india, ild minersollect a mineral widely used in cosmetics.cellphones anc devices all contain cobalt, coltan and gold, metals that are often extracted in some of the rld's poest regions and conflict zones under hazardous conditions. one million children between the ages of five and 17 are forced to work in these mineral mines, according to the organisation stop child labour. on average, they earn less than two dollars a day mining raw materials for a sector that sees revenues totalling 700 billion dollars a year. the global mineral industry is booming. but the poor and vulnerable are paying the price. >> komal devi and her five-year-old son raju turn the earth search of mica. the glittering mineral plays a tal role ithis regios onomy. for many people, mining the raw material is the only way to surve. children working for hours i the blistering sun. in t