long with viva mologyy. young lee who is here. and so many more of our staff. thank you to our city partners i know the staph is here you will hear from them examine this w is not possible without everyone here this morning and more that were acknowledging and thanking. i look forward to welcoming the first residence devenlts the village in fall of 2024 and want it acknowledge we are just getting started. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, president lm i appreciate the detail on the staff engagement. there are many issues you deal with in the realm of education and say that one of the thing this is toed out how hands on and engaged the districted has been and it is the right thing. how you will get comfortable with the just being the beginning and trying to seize more opportunity as we go. so00 autonewest addition to the real estate community and real estate development community in san francisco. superintendent wang. >> thank you, good morning, everybody. i have some my third month on the job and look how much i accomplished! in this time! no. it is really i