maybe the top, it's unclear whether the taller bond will allow this sort of modus vivendi to exist . it's a question we don't know. to tell me about the, the ration ship. but i mean, obviously we've had to, we talked a little bit earlier about the relationships with people like china, russia. what about with the european powers? how difficult is it to for the european powers to try that line between saying, you know, these guys and can become our partners when they've essentially said that they were terrorists and until fairly recently, are they going to be able to recognize taliban? of course, i mean, i don't think if the tyler bond can add here to certain commitments. i don't think that you really has any choice but to recognise them they're going to be recognized by other countries in the region. they're going to be recognized for better or worse by the people of afghanistan. so for the past several years, the united states and you and so many partners have been dealing directly with the talent that not to recognize the government when it felt when it collapsed. i think would be p