i would like to reintroduce you to vivian bradley, the program coordinator of pj library. and howard friedman, the director of the jewish community library in san francisco. welcome back, howard and vivian. we were talking about the notions of taking reading for granted intel reading is changing and how that impacts the way he understands the world. i am wondering if you can speak to that and the ways in which the programming of the jewish community library in the most basic sense encourages reading. >> from my perspective, i sometimes judge it by my experience on the bus. a lot of people were reading physical books on the best 15 years ago. 10 years ago a lot of them switched to kindles. nowadays, most people have heads in their phones. part of what that tells me, and what i know speaking from a lot of people, there is less reading of fiction and nonfiction more sustained reading, adults then there was. a lot of people are doing facebook. a lot of people are doing communicating on their phones. our time is less than what it once was. any of us, especially in the bay area,