minister of health welfare and sports from the netherlands and vifsh january hanna -- vivian hanna, minister for the environment for the netherlands and pleased to be with you today and mayor breed touched on part of what i had been thinking about which is, we share so many similarities between the bay area and the netherlands and really anywhere you go in the world, people have some basic requirements that they need in order to live healthy, full lives. i would love to know, given that we have this incredible array of people, you're going to be speaking with so many different groups while you're here, what it is that you are hoping to gain from this exchange? and how that relates to the policy areas in which you work and secretary gonzalez maybe we can start with you. >> sure. first of all, thank you so much for having me. this is my second full day -- oh, apologies. thank you so much for having me. this is my second full day on the job. laufr laugh i took my seat early. i didn't want to take the panel late. thank you to the majesty and the pin sters here and the mayor is in the audience, m