my name is vivian imperili speaking as a worker on my own private individual time.g with the pledge of allegiance, affirming your belief in liberty and justice for all. these are basic tenets of the american way yet oddly revoked in the case of ross. liberty, the the freedom to live in your own home with the family !mfé bring home a paycheck, all this was stripped away from ross. no home, no job, no money. and in the cruelest move of all, no family. justice, the expectation to be treated fairly, to have due process, to be judged by unbiased citizens. instead, false charges abounded. there is no justice in declaring a man guilty from day one when our guiding principle asserts innocence until proven guilty. there was no justice when the mayor removed our duly elected sheriff. the ethics commission, appointed by officials intent on removing ross became this inappropriate jury, and now he sits before you. electorate who put him in office. only we should have the power to remove him. and we know he did nothing to preclude being a fine sheriff. no mayor should have9j7÷ñ