transmitted diseases why those as disease are dangers this is what i'm going to talk about with dr viviani here at the institute in the welcome to the chick. sexually transmitted infections they don't need to be painful there are ways and means to protect yourself or to get treated. wherever in the world people live and maybe there will be sexually transmitted diseases everybody has heard about syphilis or going to rio but when you are affected yourself you don't want to talk about it honestly the best medicine is sex education. this is the center for sexual health in medicine in both home. while you're waiting for an appointment you may read a magazine and you're likely to find a rather in your face ad from the health ministry if your crotch is on fire go to the doctor. sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise again in germany. professor norbert proxmire heads the center visit. 2 or 3 cases of syphilis i'm going to rio every day one fact is that there are new ways for people to get together by a modern technology dating apps and chat rooms and so they make contact much faster church