saloms sing, above the river there is a gentle white fog, you can’t find a path, i remember, vizhny thurmant i am a teacher, i once taught, this is my teacher, my ex, the age difference is small, we girls were all deeply in love . not only me, everyone’s game, well, including me, of course, but then fate somehow separated us for 30 long years, he got married, i got married, life took its course, and at the same time fate also separated me and with this creativity, singing and a microphone, i didn’t pick up a microphone, so i played the ensemble was all on the guitar, and then i didn’t pick up the microphone for 28 years, that’s literally 4 years of active creativity, here we are... in his words, i worked in the canteen, but he says, so i went into the queue, i stood in line, i stood there, i’m looking sitting at the cash register like this, well, i ’ll show you a lady like this, he remembers me as a little girl, here’s a schoolgirl, yes, here ’s a lady with curves, let’s just say, he says he fell in love, it’s my turn, he says? and don’t you have a phone number, yes, but she wrote, by the w