. >> joe, take call 116, vjm 720 east 246.interfering with lines. >> that's bj adams 720 east 246. >> interfering with lines. >> right, joe. double e. >> the mechanized work force goes into action. ♪ with cracked linemen like this on the job your electric service is in good hands. >> of course there are other jobs to be done, but none so large and none so small as to escape attention. starting with coal and ending with the miracle of electricity. embracing the activities of the giant power plant. measuring and recording the ebb and flow of power. all of these are linked by a cordoned of more than 4,000 illuminating employees. civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, laboratory technicians, skilled operators. and highly trained office laboratory personnel, working in some 600 different jobs specialties. these are the resources, of skilled men and women attending classes on their own time seeking to skres their ability to serve with compensation in terms of opportunity, recognition and security. from the younger generation, j