to me you're ready for this yeah excellent nineteen year old vlad is a student at sochi university and understandably he's nervous about the recruitment process my time has gone so these questions by day. i don't know what to expect so what sort of things do you think they're looking for maybe they will ask some questions about my own theory here and sold something like details of my private life i really don't know wildlands settle down to his interview the head recruiter showed me around to university was one of just twenty six higher education facilities in russia picked as a recruitment center for more than one hundred fifty choices many of their interviews are done over the internet but those who do come in for a face to face may just have a little less saw it. on the seventh of february twenty twelve two years to the day before the start of the twenty fourteen olympics well at this volunteer hutton krasnaya polyana. each aspiring volunteer is asked to touch the heart to symbolize that all of the volunteer dreams will come true. and that means that the shore one hundred percent to