the most serious one. in order to answer it, we invited the priest , rector of the church of st. vladimir equal-to-the-apostlesather alexei, father alexei, to come to us, please. fasting really begins, but lately for many post-diet and many also they say, oh, now the post will sit on a lean diet and lose weight. in general, what is fasting and what part of fasting is abstinence from food? uh, this post is not primarily about food. here you need to understand that food abstinence from a particular food is a tool that helps in spiritual life. and, unfortunately, it really often happens that spiritual life is absent or almost absent, but there are circular attempts to fulfill the charter of certain rules. here in the charter of fasting in the typikon in the head of the ost it says that in depending on the state of health, uh, concessions are acceptable. the charter was created for monastics, first of all, for those people who were the last to think about their health, not for the laity, especially not for the laity who live in the north, like you and me, and this is a scrupulous execution. eh, post charter. eh, i