oleg shishkin, vladimir grenevich, andrey stoyko, channel one, lugansk people's republic. prime minister’s visit to the republic. trade turnover. all the efforts and achievements that are being made in your country under your leadership, and of course, i would like to take this opportunity to convey the best wishes of the president of russia vladimirovich putin, absolutely all the decisions that are between the leaders of our states are under constant control, on the implementation of our governments, there are more and more projects in industry, we are also thinking about a joint... and a project in the field of transport engineering, there are also promising areas of mutual technological, large, large innovative projects, we are working on agriculture, we also have a number of issues on pharmaceuticals and yesterday we agreed to intensify work here, i would also like to say that the transport capacity at our checkpoints has increased five times, all the good things that united our peoples on over decades, and regardless of the socio-political formation in which we intera