this work by vladimir maikovsky is called gray. we are yelling down to you.dow number 314. this is a system of windows, according to the principle of comics, positive heroes are always red, negative heroes, as a rule, are blue and green. there is a communal image, which is always there is a sun, or there is another bright image, this is a. themes are civil war, support for the red army, restoration of the economy, hygiene rules, elimination of illiteracy. this poster, invented by vladimir mayakovsky, dates back to 1920. appeal, than to walk around the city mosovaya lamaia, we will repair the city on may 1. invitation to a clean-up day. on the posters there are clear expressive silhouettes of the heroes and conventional and... years, this is already a series of the window of the heads of political education number 208. the posters were reproduced with this poster of mayakovsky was released in may 1921 using a stencil. an important part of the exhibition for us is a laboratory, where all guests visitors, adult children will be able to make their own growth wind