. >> vladimir pejdo is serving four years for theft. he's housed here because of conflicts with other inmates. >> translator: well, i had some problems when i was in general population since there are a lot of bad people here. there are a lot of what we call rats. if i had stayed there, i could have ended up with six more months in prison. nowadays, if you break somebody's nose or jaw, they immediately give you more time in prison without any discussion. >> but it's outside of seventh block in the general population area that the uniqueness of zabela is most obvious. >> you walk out into this courtyard that was beautiful. they had this very large fountain. and i was a little shocked, to turn my head and see peacocks on the yord. the prison yard itself. the further we got actually onto the prison grounds, everywhere you looked there were birds. >> then you look a little closer and you see flowers. beautiful flowers in bloom. and gardening. inmates planting other plants. laundry hanging out. and it is almost soothing when you walk through