a key ally in president vladimir putin vision for a new world order country, the west and perkins invasion of ukraine, sparks fear in many former soviet bloc countries that they could be next. what nato is doing? what is nato doing to protect its eastern flak? plus no safe place to live. the earthquakes in turkey have been especially difficult for syrian refugees. with hardly any means to rebuild their lives once again. ah, on pablo valise, welcome to the program. china's talk diplomat is meeting with russia is foreign minister in moscow. the talks between one ye and said, a laugh rav come just days before the one year mark of russia's invasion of you. crate. lang has been attending a series of meetings in moscow yesterday telling a top security official that patients relationship with russia is rough, solid, a kremlin spokesperson has now confirmed that one will also meet with president. later today. let's get more on this now with detail the russia analyst, constantine accurate, who joins us from the lithuanian capital, philly's constantine, great to see. so china's duck top diplomat wan