yes, let them conduct the interrogation themselves, vladimir zemlevich, these formal requests will notive any result. you understand, there is a strict zone, if there are thieves' rules, then we have nothing to talk with the administration. well, then the swedes. nothing shines there, but the swedes are a psychologist, he has an approach to people to find, be sure to come up with something. okay, let's go sign you a business trip. thank you who are yes, we are a little ten more fourth warehouse out, then hangar. let's. well, who is on the distribution, but what did i do, we already collected another 10 minutes 10 minutes to close. okay, there's time. we also have only dozens of boxes, and secondly, money in advance. oh, it's a completely different matter. well, how not palenka, when such a price? so keep spreading it. what is it, we started to give it back, how will it blaze? you see there is smoke coming yoshkin cat. open the coffin. i saw your base. let's. vadik well, how did you find something new even to smoke light model 9 here. and you? nothing dark what too an empty seat in the