story with meirhold worked out amazingly, because when at the end of the last season we were discussing with valery fokin what should be done for the 150th anniversary, and valery vladimirovichng the premiere of his play in someone else's theatre, dedicated to such an important moment in general quite. tragic moment in meirhold's life, when the newspaper actually published an article someone else's theater, with which the persecution of meirhold actually began, and it was clear that this would become , as it were, the central event, and then we came up with how to look at meirhold from different sides, in fact, now my team and i are super happy, because everywhere in russia and not only in russia , events dedicated to the 150th anniversary have begun, that is, we all kind of unexpectedly learned that mir holt brought jazz to russia, or rather in soviet union. what is true that miyerhold introduced a bunch of absolutely understandable and such ordinary, as if regular now for the theatrical world of things, all this was invented by meerhold we even have such a cycle of such infographics: this was invented by miyerhold, and it turns out that when you look at him, you think, my