vladislav sokovich the team from minsk vladislav sakovich and diana rudnitskaya won the mixed relay stage in the town that completed this team type of competitive program. the first day of the race from the mass start to the next from the separate, that is , pursuit races, as well as mixed relay races. the youngest age groups averaged, hide and shoot, and there were already adults getting on the roller. and this is a complex technical element. i think the body until it's ready. well, the heat also gives its own in winter, as it were cold, it fetters there. all muscles need to be well warmed up. and in the summer, on the contrary. you can get a little overheated. i study in the sixty-first school. that is, it is on the lighthouse and right at my school there are moon bases. that's where my coaches on tolevanovitch created a base, and that's it. i came and decided that i could try biathlon and in the fourth grade i came to train. the first sport in which i was drawn in for so long. before. i also did rhythmic gymnastics, swimming and sports ballroom dancing. in general, all my life. i thoug