his pitch is dead-on, his beautiful vobrado. he has an amazing voice ♪ i'll sing you a song that will never, ever -- ♪ how a man's love for ♪ a man's love for dancing with his father again ♪ >> i can't wait to go to his concert. >> i can't wait. it's going to be awesome. [ music playing ] ♪ this is the love >> arguably the most interesting character on a & e's popular show "duck dynasty." uncle cy robinson. >> people are running around, fix them all up. pop this guy out of the tree. >> so the bengal tiger drags him off. >> cy was recently doing a bit of a commercial shoot for the flex stone black rats, which are like fauxantlers to simulate two bucks fighting to attract other deer tmt folks from blackstone knew that cy was a pretty interesting dude, but they weren't ready for all the stuff that cy was going to say. >> for 2 buck, you get the gunner. they do this. then they wrestle them. okay. they're trying to take each other out. >> sometimes it's hard to pick up what he's actually saying. >> we got a serious fit going on here.