but you're still in "vogue" magazine. it's a different phenomenon. it doesn't quite work.so, you know, people are expecting -- experimenting with different models and, you know, one of the interesting things that people have talked about is for p.r. people, for one journalist. well, i don't have times a p.r. person -- if you think about them a little bit more, as a model a little bit more globally, you know, they're basically someone who is packaging content. and doing research. and putting it out there and getting it journalists who have to put up three or four stories a day online. as modern journalists do. and a lot of times what you're finding is that people who can -- organizations entities, they nonprofits and foundations, that they corporations or whoever can be the resource and information and be the receptacle for what that information source is. as an example. i was on a panel with a couple of guys with the "huffington post" and they asked us what blogs did we read. we answered the exact same. we don't really read blogs. we're at open secrets.com. it has all the