voice of olegario marin/chp spokesman"all we know is that the vehicle ended up at the bottom of 100 foot cliff and that's what we are looking for now to see if we can figure out what happened."the california highway patrol is using a specialized team in an attempt to find answers.voice of olegario marin/chp spokesman "they have a lot of equipment and different things that they can check as far as for the vehicle, the areas around there to look for anything that could be a clue to tell us what happened with the vehicle."the family was seen last week at their home....shortly after child protective services paid a welfare visit.dana dekalb/neighbor"they portray this happy little family..well they obviously had separate lives."neighbors dana and bruce dekalb say they called the authorities because one of the children had been asking them for food-- saying he was being starved.dana dekalb/neighbor"what happened there versus what happened when they went out into the public was a whole different face."five bodies, including sarah hart and her wife, jennifer, were found monday. but three childre