to fly. 3 3 common sense says they need to check tte voter roles in check tte voirginia. virginia man goo a voter registration form addressed to his dog.... bad enough, right. it's even worse. the dog was dead. "i opened it up and looked at it and i just laughed. i pirst, and it turns out it's real." mozart's been deed for two pears.the form is addressed to for the do. what amazed morris is that if mozarttwas human he would have been eligible to vote this year. the registrationnforr was sent by a non profit group hat's tryiig to register more vvters....the say they buy pailing lists from vendors. some orlando communities are getting ired of dog owners leaving the dog's usiiess behind. to fight the problem, several property managers are using d---a tests to track doww the culprits. andrea says: "theee's a lot oo poop left everywhere which i can't stand. it's really poops areealmost as big as jack! (laughs) so we would like for it to be a little cleaner around here" here" their solution? starteddwith a swab.. of every dog's mouth in the fails to clean up after him.... a com