he made the apology during a visit to vokovar. more than 200 croats were murdered in a pig farm near the town in 1991. he and his croatian counterpart laid wreaths at the site of the massacre and another town where 23 were killed. >> a short journey across the river danube for boris tadic, but a big symbolic gesture. he came to vukovar, where he was met by the croatian president. this was the first time that a serbian leader had come to the village to lay a wreath at the site of one of the worst atrocities of the ethnic conflicts that tore yugoslavia apart. in 1991, more than 200 croats were dragged from a hospital and executed on the site of a former pig farm. serbia has apologized for this infamous deed, but no serbian leader has come in person to say sorry until today. "i came here today to about to the victims, to pay my respects to them, to express our sympathy. i came here to share words of apology, to create the possibility for serbs and croats to open a new page in history." vukovar was bombed repeatedly during a three mon