yuri sidorov, in 1983, head of the department for especially important cases of the volgograd regional executive committeetment of internal affairs. the operatives were racking their brains, how to calculate him, where he would attack next time? perhaps there was some kind of pattern in his forays? and for sure. at first, the crimes occurred in the angarsk region, but in recent days the rapist moved to zerzhinsk, changed place of residence or deliberately confuses detectives, realizing that a real hunt is underway for him? zerzhinsky district was taken under special control, they knew it like the back of their hand, they already knew where we should meet, where to cross paths to help each other or help in some other way. then the tension in the city grew, people grumbled, anger and discontent were increasingly heard in the voices of the people, where is the police looking, the girls no longer wanted to go out, even i, as far as i remember, to work at night , a night shuttle was organized for them on buses, the operatives were running off their feet trying to catch the scoundrel at the scene of another att