volkow, so good to have you all on the program.n reporting on a few of the medications that show effectiveness for treating opioids and alcohol abuse disorders, and i wonder that, from your long research on this topic, what role do you see medications playing in helping people address their addictions? dr. nora volkow, director, national institute on drug abuse: in the case of opioid use disorders, they are -- they have been crucial and they have been lifesaving. and, again, it's one of the drivers that is now reducing the number of people that are dying. so, in the case of opioid addiction, we have very effective medications. the problems are, number one, that only a small percentage of people that would benefit from them, approximately 25 percent, will get prescribed this medication. second problem is, they start taking them and that protects them from overdosing. but at six months, 50 percent of them will stop taking their medications. so -- and we only have three, buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. so we need a wider var