an exchange of one for 15, exchanged me for a m-msbeshnitsa, and they rudely took me away then volodya ruban engaged in this whole question. and we have bezlera m-m we have me i have a canary in this where we were there part 8 there were guys who drove to the execution bezlyrova one too imitation of an execution pure imitation eh that is eh imitated an execution vasile vasyly any one if anyone i remember there was such a journalist in the 14th year, er, a georgian , so he was with us , and the journalists came to us er, from the rain, timuralevsky , timur ralevsky, photographed us , took pictures, verified before this exchange. well , they stopped shooting at least мере растреливать пестаяют er. i'm sorry about that and yury yevych, what is he being tried for there, he is simply covering the russian army, or if he has what to him, what does the legal system of the russian federation tell him, if you can call it that yes, that's how it is, just like that, it's called a boomerang of fate , it's called like that there is a certain club of crazy patriots, or there are some very crazy patriots, a