the seventeenth year, when the estates were finally liquidated, equalized, so lenin, well then volodya ulyanovman who had great hope, was generally raised to public life in the sixties, he was raised on the values of the sixties, on values including class. and what was possible as liberal reforms in the sixties, in the late seventies, even at the end of the reign of alexander i, and then even more so during the time of alexander ii becomes impossible. the screws are tightened, and this causes the opposite effect, but this value conflict arises, i agree with you, in this generation, i agree with you, but come on, you see, i don’t know a single period in our history when the russian people did not dream of justice, you know, he dreamed of this before the great reforms of alexander ii, he dreamed during the reforms, he dreamed after that, as it was... with the foremen you are talking about, he still dreams today, that’s right, that’s why not everyone goes to the revolution, so yes, the very situation in the family, she set up a certain kind of thoughts, and probably the elder my brother also