collaborators, you need to know them face to face, a servant of the occupiers in novaya kakhovka, volodymyr leontiev, he is 58, registered in kyiv in different years, lived in novaya kakhovka, but not in donetsk region, a former commander of the soviet army, after his resignation, worked in the leadership of several of large enterprises in the kherson region, among them the chumak joint-stock company, where at the beginning of the zero years leontiev was the financial director and deputy general director, and he was fired because of what he organized in donetsk underground shop for the production of leftist ketchup and sunflower oil, after unsuccessful attempts to become a so-called leont businessman, radically changes the direction of work and becomes a face of shame in the kherson region. on march 9, a traitor broke into the building of the kakhov city council together with the occupation troops and proclaimed himself the head of the novokokhov military-civilian administration for bio-waste leontiev was a valuable addition to the legion of waste, he knew many participants of the anti-terrorist ope