vonage is a go-to company.art: we've got to say good-bye to you now because the shot goes down in ten seconds. we timed it just right. shah gilani, thank you very much indeed. i want to get to netflix. certainly the most interesting and widely followed earnings report thus far. the stock is down 18 bucks at $415. mark randolph, the first ceo of netflix and its co-founder, is with us. i want to talk to you about content. i am told that netflix has a whole bunch of series already shot, it's in post production, so they will have a lot of content in the fall and early part of next year. is that accurate? >> so stuart, are you not going to let a proud parent crow about these amazing earnings and subscriber numbers netflix has come out with? stuart: look, what i'm getting at here is the stock is down because reed hastings says look, this growth won't last forever. i want to put out there the whole point that they've got new content coming online, on stream, rather, when a lot of other people don't. >> i think that's