all right, let's have lunch. 4 cheese on vorovskogo 7 apartments registered seven apartments, i wonderanya is hook? half an hour before the murder, immediately after borovsky, they called from the same number. take it along the way. pure girls in the kitchen there is one thing that everyone is waiting for from us. we want to invite the participants of all the teams that did not pass to the stage. this is a song to take off and according to the tradition that has long been established on the golos children. we will hold a special additional stage, it may take a place in the final, but this time your fate will be decided by the viewers, three more lucky ones will become finalists. we'll get the full list those who will compete for the title of the best children's voice in the country. let's go voice kids live friday on first chefs, award-winning and recognized culinary masters, having tested mahi products, take off their hats and congratulate you on being awarded an award for the excellent taste of mahi makes your dish. tastes better with age. a change in vision can change familiar thing