that the doors of 1863 were hidden in may small radzіmu, for many hours gartenzia gave money to vosip glyabovichustans in the hour of paustan 1863, vosip glyabo. this land plot was published, and these lands were transferred to the minsk landmark bank. minsk newspapers bank give ab'yavu ў newspaper ab tym, that is on palessi. pradaetstsa all the same, so hard. this is what i know from pisar yaka ivanavich sazanovitch. knowing the greed of many of the villagers , navagrodskaya’s message was once upon a time to the ulas land, and he told it to the villagers here and there, how can you buy land and wells? in the spring of 1888, here. the first people arrived from navagrudskaya pavet, who were sleeping in the cold, there were 170 men and 175 women. the beginning of the year has been bright for more than three hundred years. this is how the villages acquired their nicknames: bazaar, arzhakhouski, letska, monich, marushka. people lived, worked, grubbed the forest, destroyed trees, sold them, and were so different from the minsk memory banks. i fly to myself kaladenkai, the punitive zhikhar of the geta