reporter: vova from the bicycle workshop stops by regularly to keep up with events at home.t's easier to endure bad news in company. youtube has become a primary source of information. it shows bombs exploding. and this week fighting flared up again. no one here has faith anymore in the minsk protocol. when the conflict worsens, more refugees come. the head of the "ukrainian world", mateusz kramek, says the center is already preparing for the next wave of fugitives. mateusz knows how the young men feel. >> russia and ukraine are closely tied. there are family and ethnic bonds. these men just don't want to have to shoot at their own brothers and cousins. reporter: vladimir is tense. russian is his mother tongue, but he's for the ukrainian side. separatists have put him under massive pressure -- threatening him, but also making him feel guilty. one sent him a text saying you can't run away from yourself... you ought to fight for your ancestors. and what are you doing? burn in hell! "i'm not a traitor", vladimir wrote back. they responded with even uglier insults. vladimir was