yes place unusual place not vice versa upto no waterfall up beautiful no irina near the island of vreki i don't know. maybe with sand water, with sand water? and why not? well, well , well, well, well, no, no, no, no, well there is sand, by the way, but so, the water goes with some degree of periodicity, then goes, then falls, then doesn't fall, such a pulsating, it depends on something, it depends, on time of year, no, no, there at any time of year, it is always the same, yes, something was similar, the glacier is melting, the glacier is not melting, there is actually water falling, now that is a really interesting question. no, yes or not water, not water, it is a waterfall of stones, a waterfall of animals, no, no, it is a waterfall, the belly of namu is still a waterfall, sash, a waterfall with something, with something, no, not like that, not like that, instead of water something, that instead of water something falls, yes no, not like that, not like that, well that is - the peculiarity is that the water is not strange, no, water, boiling water is coming, well you could say that th